Art of Whitening + Live Demo


Dr. Mohamed Shams

Tooth discoloration is a frequent dental finding, associated with clinical and esthetic problems. It varies in etiology and clinical presentation. This course covers classification outlines treatment options and also discusses bleaching concepts in detail.

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This course covers:-

"1.0 Tooth discoloration 1.1 Classification of tooth discoloration 2.0 Treatment option 2.1 Treatment option 3.0 Contraindication and indication of bleaching 3.1 Contraindication and indication of bleaching 4.0 Bleaching Concept 4.1 Bleaching Technique 4.2 In-Office Bleaching 4.3 At-Home Bleaching 4.4 Nightguard Bleaching 4.5 Non-vital Bleaching 4.6 Treatment of Sensitivity 5.0 Live Demo 5.1 Live Demo"

What Will I Learn?

You will learn - The causes of teeth discoloration and the suitable treatment options for each case. - The contraindications of bleaching. - The bleaching techniques (In-office, At-home, nightguard bleaching- vital bleaching). - Finally, you will learn how to deal with post-bleaching sensitivity. "

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You can create your bundle by selecting all of the “Learning Modules” you want to learn and click on “Add To Cart”. Proceed to checkout only when you’ve selected all the content you want to learn (at least 3 or more modules). After filling in your registration data and choosing your payment method, you can add the promo code “MYBUNDLE” and proceed to payment. Once it’s confirmed, you will gain access to your content for one year. You will get a 20% DISCOUNT when you create your own bundle (At least 3 or more modules).


* If you register to work on 3 clinical cases of the same category, you will get access to the corresponding learning modules for free. contact us at "" and we will help you with registering. * If you want to create your own bundle, select all of the “Learning Modules” you want to learn and click on “Add To Cart”. Proceed to checkout only when you’ve selected all the content you want to learn (at least 3 or more modules). After choosing the payment method, you can add the promo code “MYBUNDLE” and enjoy full-time access for one year. You will get a 20% DISCOUNT when you create your own bundle

  • 1.1 Classification of tooth discoloration
  • 2.1 Treatment option
  • 3.1 Contraindication and indication of bleaching
  • 4.1 Bleaching Technique
  • 4.2 In-Office Bleaching
  • 4.3 At Home Bleaching
  • 4.4 Nightguard Bleaching
  • 4.5 Non-vital Bleaching
  • 4.6 Treatment of Sensitivity
  • 6.1 Live Demo - Bleaching

Dr. Mohamed Shams

Dr. Shams is an active lecturer on the topics of dentistry, specifically, aesthetic smile enhancements and their implications to the world of beauty, success, and your overall appearance. Dr. Shams is dedicated to clinical excellence and regularly attends training courses around the world. He has been awarded various certificates from different parts of the world: American and Dental Board - University of Pittsburgh USA - University of Fabi Brazil - University of Paris - Implant Success Institute London - Arc Cosmetic Center London - American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry - Fellowship of The International College of Dentistry (F.1.C.D).

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