Refund Policy

Procedure for changing or canceling a booking.

Refund Policy.

1.0: Procedure for changing or canceling a lecture subscription:

1.1 Cooling-off Period:
The consumer has the legal right to cancel the contract between SPC Online Academy Courses and himself/ herself/ themselves within 14 days from the date of the issue of the confirmation invoice, which is when the payment is received. This is known as the “cooling-off period”. If you decide to cancel your subscription, this should happen within the cooling-off period. Once we receive your written cancellation, in the form of an email we will refund your course fees within 30 days.

1.2:   Once you have completed the cooling-off period of 14 days you will be under the full cancellation conditions of courses that are 100% non-refundable.

1.3:   Once you’ve started the Course you will no longer be able to get a full refund, even if it is within 14 days.

1.4:     You must inform us of your intent to cancel by writing to in the form of an email.

1.5:      You can contact us any day except Monday, from 12 pm to 8 pm Cairo time.

1.6:    Once we have received your written cancellation letter we will refund you within 30 days of receiving your letter and deduct any credit card surcharge, if applicable.

1.7:      The refunds will be done only through the original payment method.


2.0: Procedure for changing or canceling a clinical training subscription:

2.1: Practical cases/workshops offered have predetermined appointments and are coordinated with the operating team and announced before any purchase.

2.2: The fees include all the materials, laboratory tools, and of course any guidance or supervision needed. There will be no additional expenses.

2.3: If the booked appointment is not attended, the reservation will be rescheduled for another free of charge appointment (Make-up appointment), but for the first time only.

2.4:  In the event of not attending the first appointment and the make-up appointment, the third appointment will be reserved at full cost, and the prepaid cost is not refunded.

2.5: There are specific conditions, qualifications, and certificates that must be passed before proceeding to do any medical procedure on patients.

2.6 The learner must pass the MCQ exam and the oral exam before proceeding to do any medical procedure on patients.

2.7:  In the event of not passing the prerequisite exams for the workshop/ practical cases. All the fees are fully refunded.

2.8: 25% of the fees are to be paid upon reservation on the application.

2.9: Training location is Villa SPC, 29 El Tawfiq St. Behind 'Sun Mall Al-Tawfiq', in front of building 120, Tawfiq Street, off Al Tiran street, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt, unless otherwise specified.



Support Center



+20 111 28 28 28 4



Villa SPC....29 El Tawfiq St. Behind ' Sun Mall Al-Tawfiq ' Front of building 120, Tawfiq Street, off Al Tiran street, Nasr City – Cairo, 11759



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