Pharmacy Inventory Preparation


Dr. Mohamed Oteafy

  • Curriculum
  • Instructors
  • Review
  • 1.1 Introduction
  • 2.1 Primary purchases and Types of products
  • 3.1 Divisions of inventory
  • 4.1 Inventory turnover definition
  • 5.1 Types of suppliers, differences between them and when to choose every one
  • 6.1 importance of computer system and data entry
  • 7.1 Medicines Classifications in Pharmacy

Dr. Mohamed Oteafy

DR. Mohamed Al- Oteafy spent years observing the Egyptian pharmaceutical market, especially the community pharmacy field. He concluded there is a need for a practical approach that helps pharmacists in their practical life whether they’re newly graduates or others who want to establish their own pharmacies. He has many experiences in the field including being a Foreign Trade Manager of Four-H Pharma Company.

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