INBDE Preparation Program


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What Is The INBDE?

Integrated National Board Dental Examination, or the INBDE as we call it, is a test designed to integrate the biomedical, clinical, and behavioral sciences and evaluate the dental cognitive skills of international candidates seeking to earn admission into advanced standing programs in the US dental schools. The INBDE became effective on August 1, 2020, and is comparable to the National Board Dental Examination (NBDE) test conducted earlier for attending dental school and gaining licensure in the US. So basically, it’s the same test that international dentists gave earlier in 2 parts called the NBDE 1 and the NBDE 2. Now they are taken collectively and are called the INBDE instead.

How Does It Differ from The Earlier NBDE?

The Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations (JCNDE) formulated this new integrated examination to adapt to the changes in the educational curriculum and instructional methods over the years. The INBDE has the same overall purpose as the earlier NBDE Part 1 and Part 2, including a similar study syllabus. The main difference is that, unlike the earlier two parts that could be given at different times, the new test needs to be given as one examination all at once for one and a half days.

Is It a Pass and Fail Test, Or Do We Get a Score?

The INBDE is designed to be scored as a pass or fail test, and numerical scores are not provided to candidates. Though scores are not given, the exam’s attempt is definitely counted and appears in the final report. It is always better to pass these competitive exams on the first attempt, as candidates with multiple attempts will definitely be at a disadvantage when applying to competitive schools. Most schools do keep in mind the number of attempts needed to clear the exam. Hence, it is good to attempt the test when thoroughly prepared to avoid a failed attempt.

What If We Fail The INBDE?

Similar to the NBDE part 1 and 2, those candidates who do not manage to clear the exam in the first attempt can retake it. However, certain rules have changed regarding retakes. Candidates are eligible to appear up to 5 attempts for the examination and must wait for a minimum of 90 days between each unsuccessful test attempt and post their third failed attempt; candidates must wait for at least one year before reappearing for the test.

Where Can the Exam Be Taken?

International candidates cannot appear for the INBDE from the comfort of their home country. The INBDE can be taken only in the US and Canada and requires candidates to fly to these countries to take this exam.

Steps To Register for the INBDE:

a) Certificate Of Eligibility. Candidates who are still in their internship or pursuing dentistry in their home country need to submit a Certificate of eligibility for INBDE with their Deans signature to JCNDE, which is a part of the American Dental Association (ADA). Graduates do not need to submit a certificate of eligibility to JCNDE and can go ahead with the next step directly. b) Creating A Dentpin Number. The next step involves creating a dentpin number on the (American Dental Association) ADA website. c) Course By Course Evaluation. Next, the candidates should request a course-by-course evaluation after making a profile on the Educational Credential Evaluators website (ECE). This step requires certain documents to be submitted to ECE, after which candidates get a grading or a GPA. Candidates should request a copy of the ECE report to be sent to JCNDE. d) Registration For The INBDE Once JCNDE/ ADA receives the ECE evaluation, they send a confirmation email to candidates, and now the candidate is eligible to take the INBDE. e) Payment for the Test A login with dentpin is required, along with a payment of 680 dollars by credit card, and then the exam can be scheduled on the Prometric website.

The Question Format and Time Duration for the INBDE.

The new INBDE is a 500-question test spanning over one and a half days with 360 questions asked on the first day at the Prometric examination center and in the majority consists of case-based questions. The first day has three sessions of 100 questions each and a duration of 1 hour 45 minutes for each session, and the last session has 60 case-based questions to be completed in 1 hour 45 mins. The second day is a half-day exam where 140 questions will be asked in two sessions of 1 hour 45 mins each. Breaks are given between each session.

Questions Asked In INBDE?

The syllabus for the exam consists of questions asked in earlier NBDE exams. Earlier, NBDE Part 1 tested what most dental schools teach in the early part of the curriculum, and part 2 was mainly clinically relevant. Now the exam has all sorts of questions from both parts like case-based along with regular questions comprising of diagnosis and treatment planning including all aspects of diagnosis, assessment, physical evaluation of the structure, appearance and function, underlying conditions, and psychological, social, and behavioral influences to derive an accurate diagnosis as well as safe treatment alternatives for any patient.

Study Material for the INBDE.

There is plenty of study material available for candidates to pass the INBDE, such as The Dental Deck, Dental Mastery App, Mosby, Kaplan, Dentins INBDE, First Aid book

Preparation Time Required!

Now that you have all the required information with the help of this complete guide to the INBDE, it is the time to start preparing. The INBDE is not an exam that should be taken lightly by candidates. You may already know how to prepare for NBDE exam. This INDBE exam requires as well a thorough understanding of clinical and basic science content by foreign-trained dentists wanting to pursue dentistry in the USA. Hence, investing optimum time and effort is essential to pass the INBDE. On average, depending upon their individual capability, candidates take on average between 6-12 months of preparation time to be ready for the exam. Since this is a cumulative exam comprising both NBDE part 1 and part 2, time, effort should be given to prepare, and only when well-prepared should a test date be taken.

What Will I Learn?

Module 1 Lecture 1 Endodontics INBDE 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Introduction 2.0 Diagnosis & morphology 2.1 Thermal 2.2 Percussion 2.3 ELectric Pulp Test 2.4 Exam Cases 2.5 SLOB Technique 2.6 Morphology 3.0 Individual Tooth 3.1 Individual Tooth 4.0 Endo Liquids 4.1 Irrigation 4.2 Chelating Agents 4.3 Others 5.0 Obturation 5.1 Obturation 6.0 Endodontic Insrumentation 6.1 Endodontic Insrumentation 6.2 Broken Instruments 7.0 Tooth Fracture 7.1 Tooth Fracture 8.0 Bleaching 8.1 Bleaching 9.0 Miscellanies 9.1 Miscellanies - Intro 9.2 Lesions & Bacteria 9.3 Radiology 10.0 Pulp & Dentin 10.1 Pulp & Dentin 11.0 Replantation 11.1 Replantation 12.0 Resorption 12.1 Resorption 13.0 Avulsion 13.1 Avulsion 14.0 Pulp Treatment 14.1 Pulp Treatment 15.0 Posts 15.1 Posts Module 2 Lecture 1 Radiology 1.0 Digital Radiography 1.1 Digital Radiography 2.0 Image characteristics 2.1 Image characteristics 3.0 Radiation characteristics 3.1 Radiation characteristics 4.0 Radiation biology 4.1 Radiation biology 5.0 Osteoradionecrosis 5.1 Osteoradionecrosis 6.0 Processing solutions and errors 6.1 Processing solutions and errors 7.0 Types of radiographs 7.1 Types of radiographs 8.0 Radiation physics 8.1 Radiation physics 9.0 Radiation protection 9.1 Radiation protection 10.0 Radiation technique 10.1 Radiation technique 11.0 X-ray Errors Identification 11.1 Part I 11.2 Part II 11.3 Part III Module 3 Lecture 1 Orthodontics 1.0 Malocclusion 1.1 Malocclusion 2.0 Miscellaneous 2.1 Miscellaneous 3.0 Open bite and cross bite 3.1 Open bite and cross bite 4.0 General information 4.1 General information 5.0 Orthodontics treatment 5.1 Orthodontics treatment 6.0 Pathology 6.1 Pathology 7.0 Cephalometry 7.1 Cephalometry 8.0 Appliance 8.1 Appliance Module 4 Lecture 1 Prosthodontics I 1.0 Complete Dentures 1.1 Complete Dentures - Part I 1.2 Complete Dentures - Part II 2.0 Removable Partial Dentures 2.1 Removable Partial Dentures - Part I 2.2 Removable Partial Dentures - Part II 3.0 Overdenture and Immediate Dentures 3.1 Overdenture and Immediate Dentures Lecture 2 Prosthodontics II 1.0 Fixed Prosthodontics 1.1 Fixed Prosthodontics 2.0 Pontics 2.1 Pontics 3.0 Porcelain 3.1 Porcelain 4.0 Impression materials 4.1 Impression materials 5.0 Dental casting & gypsum 5.1 Dental casting & gypsum 6.0 Cements 6.1 Cements Lecture 3 Prosthodontics III 1.0 Occlusion 1.1 Occlusion Part I 1.2 Occlusion Part II 2.0 Miscellaneous 2.1 Miscellaneous 3.0 Facebow and Articulator 3.1 Facebow and Articulator Lecture 4 Dentition Part I 1.0 Primary Dentition 1.1 Primary Dentition 2.0 Permanent Incisors 2.1 Permanent Incisors 3.0 Permanent Canines 3.1 Permanent Canines 4.0 Premolars 4.1 Premolars 5.0 Permanent Molars 5.1 Permanent Molars 6.0 Miscellaneous 6.1 Miscellaneous Lecture 5 Dentition Part II 1.0 General Teeth Info 1.1 General Teeth Info 2.0 Occlusal Information 2.1 Occlusal Information 3.0 Mandibular Movements 3.1 Mandibular Movements 4.0 Tooth Components 4.1 Enamel 4.2 Tooth Development 4.3 Pulp 4.4 Dentin 4.5 Cementum Lecture 6 Anatomical Science 1.0 Tongue 1.1 Tongue 2.0 Salivary Glands 2.1 Salivary Glands 3.0 Soft and Hard Palates , Throat , and Sinuses 3.1 Soft and Hard Palates , Throat , and Sinuses 4.0 Muscles of Mastication. Muscles of Facial Expressions 4.1 Muscles of Mastication. Muscles of Facial Expressions 5.0 Hyoid Muscles 5.1 Hyoid Muscles 6.0 Neck Muscles , and Neck Triangles 6.1 Neck Muscles , and Neck Triangles 7.0 Cranial Nerves 7.1 Cranial Nerves 8.0 Lymphatic System 8.1 Lymphatic System 9.0 Osteology And TMJ 9.1 Osteology And TMJ 10.0 Embryalogy And Histology 10.1 Embryalogy And Histology Lecture 7 Pedodontics INBDE 1.0 Tooth Anatomy 1.1 Tooth Anatomy 2.0 Eruption & Calcification 2.1 Eruption & Calcification 3.0 Pulp Treatment 3.1 Pulp Treatment 4.0 Operative 4.1 Operative 5.0 Space Management 5.1 Space Management 6.0 LA , Drugs , Medication 6.1 LA , Drugs , Medication 7.0 Floride , Sealent 7.1 Floride , Sealent 8.0 Diseases And Conditions 8.1 Diseases And Conditions 9.0 Miscellenous 9.1 Miscellenous Lecture 8 Microbiology 1.0 Biology Of Microorganisms And Disease 1.1 Biology Of Microorganisms And Disease 2.0 Odontogenic And Bone Lesions 2.1 Odontogenic And Bone Lesions 3.0 Endocrine Pathology 3.1 Endocrine Pathology 4.0 Musculoskeletal And Skin Pathology 4.1 Musculoskeletal And Skin Pathology 5.0 Bacterial And Viral Oral Pathology 5.1 Bacterial And Viral Oral Pathology 6.0 Blood Pathology 6.1 Blood Pathology 7.0 Oral White Lesions 7.1 Oral White Lesions 8.0 Pigmented Lesions 8.1 Pigmented Lesions 9.0 Immunology 9.1 Immunology Lecture 9 Biochemistry Part I 1.0 Enzymes 1.1 Enzymes 2.0 Vitamins 2.1 Vitamins 3.0 Substances 3.1 Substances 4.0 Liver 4.1 Liver Lecture 10 Biochemistry Part II 1.0 PH 1.1 PH 2.0 Metabolism 2.1 Metabolism 3.0 DNA 3.1 DNA 4.0 Lipids 4.1 Lipids 5.0 Carbohydrates 5.1 Carbohydrates 6.0 Proteins 6.1 Proteins Lecture 11 Operative INBDE 1.0 Composite 1.1 Composite 2.0 Gold 2.1 Gold 3.0 Instruments 3.1 Instruments 4.0 Mechanical Properties 4.1 Mechanical Properties 5.0 Amalgam 5.1 Amalgam 6.0 Caries 6.1 Caries 7.0 Cement 7.1 Cement 8.0 Liner And Bases 8.1 Liner And Bases 9.0 Fluoride And Sealant 9.1 Fluoride And Sealant 10.0 Miscellaneous 10.1 Miscellaneous Lecture 12 Periodontics 1.0 Periosurgery 1.1 Periosurgery 2.0 Plaque And Calculus 2.1 Plaque And Calculus 3.0 Periodontal Disease 3.1 Periodontal Disease 4.0 Bacteria 4.1 Bacteria 5.0 Inflammation 5.1 Inflammation 6.0 Implants 6.1 Implants 7.0 Periodontium Anatomy 7.1 Periodontium Anatomy 8.0 Instruments 8.1 Instruments 9.0 Miscellaneous 9.1 Miscellaneous 10.0 OHI 10.1 OHI 11.0 Trauma And Infection 11.1 Trauma And Infection Lecture 13 Professional Ethics And Patient Management 1.0 Ethical And Legal Principles 1.1 Ethical And Legal Principles 2.0 Research Method, Variables , And Statistics And Public Health 2.1 Research Method , Variables , And Statistics And Public Health 3.0 Infection Control 3.1 Infection Control 4.0 Material And Equipment Safety 4.1 Material And Equipment Safety 5.0 OSHA 5.1 OSHA 6.0 Behaviour Science 6.1 Behaviour Science 7.0 Oral Health Indices And Prevention 7.1 Oral Health Indices And Prevention


Dr. Salma Mohamed

- Bachelor of oral dental medicine - MSA university Master of fixed prosthodontics - Ain shams university - American board certified - INBDE instructor


Dr. Salma Mohamed

- Bachelor of oral dental medicine - MSA university Master of fixed prosthodontics - Ain shams university - American board certified - INBDE instructor


Dr. Salma Mohamed

- Bachelor of oral dental medicine - MSA university Master of fixed prosthodontics - Ain shams university - American board certified - INBDE instructor


Dr. Salma Mohamed

- Bachelor of oral dental medicine - MSA university Master of fixed prosthodontics - Ain shams university - American board certified - INBDE instructor


Dr. Salma Mohamed

- Bachelor of oral dental medicine - MSA university Master of fixed prosthodontics - Ain shams university - American board certified - INBDE instructor


Dr. Salma Mohamed

- Bachelor of oral dental medicine - MSA university Master of fixed prosthodontics - Ain shams university - American board certified - INBDE instructor


Dr. Salma Mohamed

- Bachelor of oral dental medicine - MSA university Master of fixed prosthodontics - Ain shams university - American board certified - INBDE instructor


Dr. Salma Mohamed

- Bachelor of oral dental medicine - MSA university Master of fixed prosthodontics - Ain shams university - American board certified - INBDE instructor


Dr. Salma Mohamed

- Bachelor of oral dental medicine - MSA university Master of fixed prosthodontics - Ain shams university - American board certified - INBDE instructor


Dr. Salma Mohamed

- Bachelor of oral dental medicine - MSA university Master of fixed prosthodontics - Ain shams university - American board certified - INBDE instructor


Dr. Salma Mohamed

- Bachelor of oral dental medicine - MSA university Master of fixed prosthodontics - Ain shams university - American board certified - INBDE instructor


Dr. Salma Mohamed

- Bachelor of oral dental medicine - MSA university Master of fixed prosthodontics - Ain shams university - American board certified - INBDE instructor


Dr. Salma Mohamed

- Bachelor of oral dental medicine - MSA university Master of fixed prosthodontics - Ain shams university - American board certified - INBDE instructor


Dr. Salma Mohamed

- Bachelor of oral dental medicine - MSA university Master of fixed prosthodontics - Ain shams university - American board certified - INBDE instructor


Dr. Salma Mohamed

- Bachelor of oral dental medicine - MSA university Master of fixed prosthodontics - Ain shams university - American board certified - INBDE instructor


Dr. Salma Mohamed

- Bachelor of oral dental medicine - MSA university Master of fixed prosthodontics - Ain shams university - American board certified - INBDE instructor


Dr. Salma Mohamed

- Bachelor of oral dental medicine - MSA university Master of fixed prosthodontics - Ain shams university - American board certified - INBDE instructor


Dr. Salma Mohamed

- Bachelor of oral dental medicine - MSA university Master of fixed prosthodontics - Ain shams university - American board certified - INBDE instructor


Dr. Salma Mohamed

- Bachelor of oral dental medicine - MSA university Master of fixed prosthodontics - Ain shams university - American board certified - INBDE instructor


Dr. Salma Mohamed

- Bachelor of oral dental medicine - MSA university Master of fixed prosthodontics - Ain shams university - American board certified - INBDE instructor


Dr. Salma Mohamed

- Bachelor of oral dental medicine - MSA university Master of fixed prosthodontics - Ain shams university - American board certified - INBDE instructor

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