The Long-Term Effect of Smoking on 10 Years’ Survival and Success of Dental Implants: A Prospective Analysis of 453 Implants in a Non-University Setting

The purpose of this study was to compare the survival and peri-implant bone
loss of implants with a fluoride-modified surface in smokers and non-smokers.

• Material and Methods:All patients referred for implant treatment between November 2004 and 2007 were scrutinized.
All implants were placed by the same surgeon (B.C.).

 The single inclusion criterion was a follow-up time of at least 10 years. Implant survival, health, and bone loss were evaluated by an external
calibrated examiner (S.W.) during recall visits. 

Radiographs taken at recall visits were compared with the post-surgical ones. Implant success was based on two arbitrarily chosen success criteria for bone
loss (1 mm and 2 mm bone loss after 10 years). Implant survival in smokers and non-smokers was
compared using the log-rank test. 

Both non-parametric tests and fixed model analysis were used
to assess bone loss in both groups. Results: A total of 453 implants in 121 patients were included
for survival analysis, and 397 implants in 121 patients were included for peri-implant bone-loss

 After a mean follow-up time of 11.38 years (SD 0.78; range 10.00–13.65), 33 implants out
of 453 initially placed had failed in 21 patients, giving an overall survival rate of 92.7% and 82.6%
on the implant and patient level, respectively.

 Cumulative 10 years’ survival rate was 81% on the
patient level and 91% on the implant level. The hazard of implant loss in the maxilla was 5.64 times
higher in smokers compared to non-smokers (p = 0.003).

 The hazard of implant loss for implants of
non-smokers was 2.92 times higher in the mandible compared to the maxilla (p = 0.01). The overall
mean bone loss was 0.97 mm (SD 1.79, range 0–17) at the implant level and 0.90 mm (SD 1.39, range
0–7.85) at the patient level. 

Smokers lost significantly more bone compared to non-smokers in the
maxilla (p = 0.024) but not in the mandible. Only the maxilla showed a significant di erence in the
probability of implant success between smokers and non-smokers (1 mm criterion p = 0.003, 2 mm
criterion p = 0.007). 

Taking jaw into account, implants in smokers experienced a 2.6 higher risk of
developing peri-implantitis compared to non-smokers (p = 0.053).

• Conclusion: Dental implants with
a fluoride-modified surface provided a high 10 years’ survival with limited bone loss. Smokers were,
however, more prone to peri-implant bone loss and experienced a higher rate of implant failure, especially in the upper jaw.

 The overall bone loss over time was significantly higher in smoking patients, which might be suggestive for a higher peri-implantitis risk. Hence, smoking cessation should be advised and maintained after implant placement from the perspective of peri-implant
disease prevention.