Technical note on introducing a digital workflow for newborns with craniofacial anomalies based on intraoral scans - part II: 3D printed Tübingen palatal plate prototype for newborns with Robin sequen

 Orthodontic treatment of newborns and infants with Robin-Sequence using the Tübingen Palatal Plate (TPP) is a complex procedure that could benefit from simplification through digitalization.

 The design of the velar extension (spur) and the palatal base determines the success of the treatment. Therefore, a prototype must be produced and inserted under endoscopic supervision in order to determine the appropriate shape, length and position of the spur. 

This technical note demonstrates a fully digital workflow for the design and manufacturing of a functional TPP prototype, based on an intraoral scan. This prototype can be altered and individualized digitally for each patient. 

After the shape and position of the spur have been optimized, the prototype is duplicated using a silicone mold. Then the definitive TPP is manufactured and inserted. We aim to present a workflow which facilitates the fitting procedure and does not require a conventional impression or a physical model to create the appliance.