Biomimetic Aspects of Restorative Dentistry Biomaterials

Biomimetic has emerged as a multi-disciplinary science in several biomedical subjects in
recent decades, including biomaterials and dentistry.

In restorative dentistry, biomimetic approaches
have been applied for a range of applications, such as restoring tooth defects using bioinspired
peptides to achieve remineralization, bioactive and biomimetic biomaterials, and tissue engineering
for regeneration.

Advancements in the modern adhesive restorative materials, understanding
of biomaterial–tissue interaction at the nano and microscale further enhanced the restorative
materials’ properties (such as color, morphology, and strength) to mimic natural teeth. 
In addition, the tissue-engineering approaches resulted in regeneration of lost or damaged dental tissues mimicking
their natural counterpart.

The aim of the present article is to review various biomimetic approaches
used to replace lost or damaged dental tissues using restorative biomaterials and tissue-engineering

In addition, tooth structure, and various biomimetic properties of dental restorative
materials and tissue-engineering sca old materials, are discussed.